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How to set goals and CRUSH EM'

                                                                                #GOALS I really hate to toot my own horn, But HONK HONK! I love setting goals. I seriously live for it! I have goals for every day, week, month and year! It sounds like a lot (maybe it is), but it helps me to stay motivated and focused on what I want as a mom, wife and person. There is a method behind successful goal setting, that people don't implement and find that most fall short of their goals. When you set goals and never find success, it can cause negativity towards the whole process. Think about it, if you kept trying over and over and never saw progress, why would you be motivated? This is why it is so important to set goals the right way, so you can CRUSH THEM! When I set goals I set them high. I mean goals so high that they cause most people to doubt. It happens all the time in my world because I dream big! I love dreamers, I think everyone should dream big. Not all goals, are the

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